早前有消息指,新 iPhone 發佈會將會在 9 月 12 日舉行。一直以來,有關新 iPhone 的特色,外形傳聞不斷。爆料專家 Guilherme Rambo 在 Twitter 發文表示,在開發工具 Xcode 10 裡發現疑似新 iPhone 名的字為「iPhone xx」。
圖片來源 : Guilherme Rambo Twitter
圖片來源:Guilherme Rambo Twitter
據外媒《9to5mac》報道引述爆料專家 Guilherme Rambo 指,「iPhone xx」搭載 iPhone 7 和 iPhone 7 Plus 用的 A10 CPU 晶片。他又估計,「iPhone xx」的設計與 iPhone X 類似,同樣具備 Face ID 功能,沒有 Home 鍵和 3D Touch,背面沒有雙鏡頭,但有多種顏色選擇。相信「iPhone xx」暫時仍是內部測試階段,將不會與其他三款新 iPhone 同時推出。爆料專家預期這部新機或會是 iPhone SE 2,另外亦有專家 Steve Troughton-Smith 不排除 Apple 這款新機會作為廉價版 iPhone 7 出售。
T500 / iPhone 9,7 – iPhone 7 replacement ("iPhone SE2")
N84 / iPhone 11,1 – 6.1" LCD (notch, Face ID, dual sim option)
D3x / iPhone 11,3 – 5.8" OLED (notch, Face ID)
D3x / iPhone 11,5 – 6.5" OLED (notch, Face ID)— Guilherme Rambo (@_inside) August 22, 2018
An interesting device appeared in Xcode 10's thinning options: "iPhone xx". Model identifier iPhone9,7. My guess is this will be the "low cost iPhone" (internally called LCP, model N84). Definitely not the marketing name tho. Thanks Max pic.twitter.com/URPXTNdk79
— Guilherme Rambo (@_inside) August 22, 2018
Exactly this; a cheaper-to-manufacture iPhone 7 perhaps with new component suppliers & factories. I wouldn't read any more into it given the information we have https://t.co/i8oUvJcMZg
— Steve Troughton-Smith (@stroughtonsmith) August 22, 2018
資料來源 : 9to5mac , Guilherme Rambo, Steve Troughton-Smit
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